Friday, May 25, 2007


Those in ODM who waited for Raila Odinga’s coronation must rue the day they misread the political chessboard. He no longer hides that in the presidential ticket contest, each aspirant is on his or her own. Raila has asked the electorate to shun any aspirant who served the Kenyatta and Moi regimes "for long’’. It’s no rocket science — you know who. Of course Raila served under Moi, but ‘‘not for long’’!

Some things only happen in Narc-Kenya. It’s the only party where an MP, someone who holds no position, can tell the headquarters that grassroots elections won’t be held and the election board swallows that hook, line and sinker. As 140 constituencies head to the polls, 70 wait for MPs.


Flock to questionable Ugandan universities, but at your own risk. Some are not accredited, while some accredited ones offer more courses than they should. But will Kenyans listen? Wait until the bubble bursts and they turn cry babies.

Courts, Palaver will never tire of saying, don’t live in this world. A few weeks ago, 43 Mungiki suspects were freed and bonded to be of good conduct. They haven’t! Then the King of Mungiki gets a reprieve. And the Judiciary spokesman, whose name resembles that of the dollar, wants us to believe it’s all justice.

If the apparent heat Kalonzo Musyoka is feeling in the quest for the ODM ticket is anything to go by, he cannot say he was never warned. Kivutha Kibwana has not tired telling the son of Mwingi that he had no chance in the Orange party. Kibwana has even penned commentaries in the Press to warn Kalonzo. Will Kalonzo listen though belatedly?

And finally …

Washington is considering going to the UN to solve the Bush-generated Iraqi quagmire. How brilliant! Defy the UN, launch an illegal war and later run to it to internationalise the conflict so that members share in the blame and reduce the domestic political fallout in America! The UN must tell Bush he made his blood-soaked Iraqi bed and must lie in it.