No wonder, we don't like unsubstantiated books in Kenya. The controversial author, was hounded out of the country in high drama mode.
This is the same guy who, according to various american media sources, is accused of making unsubstantiated, misleading or inaccurate information in all matters he is involved in. Many times, was he also accused of making anti-Islam statements and from time to time, as well accused of "exploiting racial fears and hate in an effort to scare white America.". Corsi has admitted to having written in online discussions on the Free Republic Web site in 2002 and 2003, among other inflammatory remarks.
But what is up with this fellow? why does this guy emerge during democratic camapigns only to spill his hatred? and why again for Obama after he messed up with the John kerry Campaigns?
This guy, we believe, has again been recruited to smear Obama's campaign and it is evident that even the Mccain campaign are trying their best to disassociate with Corsi as most of his information are either biased or un-substantiated. The Obama Campaign team has even called his information "One of the most vile smear peddlers of the 2004 election" referring to Corsi's remarks against Sen. John Kerry as unfit for president.
According to The New York Times, "Significant parts of the book, whose subtitle is 'Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,' have already been challenged as misleading or false in the days since its debut on Aug. 1. The Obama Nation has been criticized by Paul Waldman as being "filled with falsehoods" and in a debate with Corsi on Larry King Live, Waldman accused Corsi of using baseless innuendo as a tactic to 'smear' Obama.
But why was Corsi chased out of Kenya, a place Obama got roots even after he claimed to have come to rescue Christianity in the wake of Islam phenomenal growth, a disguise for attacking Obama?
Corsi, the controversial author, was to explain that Obama is unfit to become a president just like Sen. John Kerry, as if he is the only one who chooses US presidents and that Obama bankrolled Kenya's PM Raila Odinga to become Kenya's president. On the occasion that votes were tampered with, he was to say, Obama advised Odinga to take to the streets so that Kibaki negotiates with him, depicting both Obama and Odinga as violent people. What Corsi doesn't say, is that Obama is a very able presidential material who would love to solve american issues diplomatically and that Raila is among the best kenyan nationalists who love their country by accepting to share a government many Kenyans believe he won.
Corsi was to claim Obama was the brain of Raila Odinga, without knowing that Raila had long established himself a political figure before Obama became known. Corsi thinks Kenya and US share same democracy and have equal dispensation of democratic ideals. They may share democracy as in words but While in the US, voters choose ideas instead of race, colour or personality, Voters in Kenya do not care that. They choose according to their ethnic tribes.
Jerome Corsi would never tell you that Obama is not a Muslim and that both Obama and Raila Odinga are committed christians who are camapigning to reach all kind of voters irrespective of their races, their religions and so on. Corsi would love to associate Obama with his Muslim roots but doesn't tell you Obama, his wife Michelle and their children are all committed Christians and go to Church every other day like other christians. How is Obama a Muslim? ask him.
Corsi would have liked to say that Obama has an Islamic Link by associating him with Raila Odinga who once wrote an MOU with Kenya Muslims during his campaign period. What is the problem of Raila writing an MOU with Kenya Muslims? Muslims in Kenya were severly marginalized for decades and during the last election, it was our best chance, while Odinga was campaigning to change the chapter, it appeared to us as Kenya Muslims, he is someone who could help us move out of marginalization and therefore to secure an MOU with him was almost like saying, Oh freind, don't forget us. Then, what is wrong with that.
Judging from Corsi's inaccuracies and twists, This, makes us believe that someone of Corsi's calibre, meaningless. His information has been refuted by many and he doesn't pose any threat to the Obama's campaign ideals to serve all americans irrespective of colour, race, gender. It suprises many of us to hear Corsi has been mentioned among the New York Times best sellers.
What is your take on this guy?
is he becoming erratic also?
Todate, None of the corsi's book on Obama Nation has been substantiated and the Obama campaign team, has instituted a false refuting website,,