Someone says, The Prezzy is in good moods now and thinks, it is the best time to eat something from him..like eat from his goodies...
The presidency of Kenya has lost "taste" to an extent, a president is always seen as the most "corrupt man" on earth, a post which ordinary citizens assume is lucrative,that, If the occupier of that seat is from your people, then you automatically assume you control everyone, your words are just final, you can "eat" the country and it's resources..
There is a new logo from state house Kenya, about "kujivunia kuwa mkenya" which really hurts my senses..Kenya, is a country without enough drinking water, no proper rural electrification processes, virtually no roads as in infrastructure in some parts of the country, schools and hospitals are not well equipped ..illiteracy and lot of corruption..
On the country's voting day, voters will be convinced to vote an Incumbent MP so that
"The Government brings water, build roads, provides electricity, equips schools and health centres" and provide relief food....(as if those are not above the voting processes..)
This is a country that seriously needs reform and I urge all kenyans of goodwill to look ahead for generations to come and think about prosperity
Some countries like the UK, Canada, people who want seats in their parliament will never talk about the same...
In UK, Whether this person wins/looses his seat for the parliament, it is the duty of the government to provide those services..