By the way, There are fellows out there who by all means are contemplating of making sure the no-nonsense Learned freind is not appointed to the powerful Judical Committe expected to be ratified by the Parliament today......
But What is the problem................It all started here
The rest you will read below are just part of the scumbags........
In an affidavit tabled before the Parliament’s Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs committee, Ms Emily Wangari Kamau, a Principal State Counsel alleges that Mr Ahmednassir used his then position as the chairman of the Kenya anti-Corruption Commission Advisory Board and as chairman of the Law Society of Kenya to “threaten” Mr Ameyo that he’d take him to court on Anglo-Leasing related charges if he didn’t pay.
“Even if it was a proper debt, that he was supposed to be paid, he cannot go around threatening people,” said Ms Kamau. “He was trying to use the process of the court to get what he had failed to get earlier.”
In her affidavit, Ms Kamau said the city lawyer had “selectively exhibited documents from the Attorney General’s Office to provide the court the false impression that officers within the AG’s office were implicated in the (Anglo-Leasing) scandal.”
The documents, Ms Kamau said, were part of a comprehensive investigation file by the KACC.
Besides, Mr Ameyo said Mr Ahmednassir had written to him an “insulting letter” calling him names like “pathetic” and “scum of the earth” when he learnt of the affidavit. Mr Ameyo reckoned that then, Mr Ahmednassir was “bitter” with him for his refusal to pay the money and refusal to be compromised.
When he appeared before the committee, Mr Ahmednassir denied the Sh63 million claim saying that all he knew about was Sh29 million which was contested and put up for taxation by the court. But Mr Ameyo said he had advisory communication sent to his office that Mr Ahmednassir was demanding Sh63 million.
The former Kacc advisory board chairman also said that he “had no access whatsoever” to investigations by the Kacc and that the documents which he is accused to have accessed by virtue of his position “were all-over the place including the media.”
Mr Ahmednassir asked the committee what they thought about the fact that an officer in the AG’s office had accused him of such grave crimes as extortion, gross malice and abuse of office yet they had not pressed charges. The former LSK chairman said he chaired LSK’s council meeting that decided to sue the AG Amos Wako for his legal opinion in the Anglo Leasing case.
“If he had something on me he’d not have spared me; just like I didn’t spare him when I had something on him,” he told the committee. “I swore an affidavit that formed the basis of the private prosecution of the Attorney General.”