The Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission is partnering with Imams to help fight corruption and drug trafficking at the Coast. The agency conducted a three-day workshop at Reef Hotel in Mombasa, involving members of Kenya Council of Imams and Ujamaa to empower them to fight the vices.
KACC representative Yassin Aila said they chose the Imams because of their closeness to the people, saying they were the most suitable group to deal with drug abuse and trafficking.
KACC representative Yassin Aila said they chose the Imams because of their closeness to the people, saying they were the most suitable group to deal with drug abuse and trafficking.
"Drug trafficking has been rampant in the province, that’s why we partnered with the Imams so they could educate the users on the effects of dealing with it," the KACC representative said.
The Imams asked the Government to empower KACC more to apprehend those implicated in corruption for the level of the vice to go down."The Judiciary has been dragging corruption cases for years, that’s why the Government should give powers to KACC to apprehend those involved," said Sheikh Mohammed Swalihu of the local Jamia mosque.
The Imams accused the Government of not putting much effort to fight corruption. Speaking at the workshop, nominated MP Sheikh Mohammed Dor said the Government should make changes in the police force because it (the force) had not made any effort to fight the vice. Mr. Aila said the way forward in the fight against corruption, must ensure transparency and accountability and a society empowered through civic education.