Kenya police on Friday arrested 22 foreigners without valid documents at Bondeni in Mombasa. The foreigners, 15 Ethiopians and seven Bangladeshis, were arrested in a morning raid at a house in the area. Two Kenyans suspected to be behind a ring sneaking in the aliens were also seized.
Mombasa police boss Tom Odero said police raided the village after a tip-off from the public.
Sinister motive. “The foreigners did not have immigration papers and we suspect they entered the country for a sinister motive,” he said.
Mr Odero declined to shed more light on the matter, but police sources said the group arrived in the town a week ago.
“In our preliminary investigations, we managed to determine their countries of origin but we shall only release more information after we finish interrogating them,” said Mr Odero. The arrests come a few months after Coast Provincial Commissioner Ernest Munyi promised to intensify vigilance on the border to curb illegal entry.
Odero was speaking even as the Minister for Immigration was saying new third generation ID cards will start in January 2010. Kenya immigration policy is so corrupt and lax where everyone who has some few money to bribe can get any official document for travel and trade.